Painting exterior walls are not as easy and quick a task as you think, especially when looking for a lasting and quality result. If you intend to paint the facade of a property, it is essential to keep in mind that the external painting of the house needs more protection than an internal painting.
Keeping the house’s exterior paint protected and beautiful for much longer is possible. It is necessary to use the appropriate color and correctly prepare the surface that will receive the paint application.
Before starting painting, know how to prepare your home for exterior painting. It is crucial so that you do not end up messing with everything.
Plan which room you will start painting with
This one depends entirely on your taste and how much that room is used. For example, you can start with the bedrooms and end with the kitchen, or vice versa. This way, you can plan well what furniture to move and where to put it while you paint.
Prepare all the material you will need
This is very important since it will be more complicated to acquire things when you are already in the painting process, in addition to the fact that the finish of the painting and its image can be affected if you paint in pieces.
Make sure the pets are okay
During renovation or remodeling, you deal with chemical products harmful to humans and animals. Within the perimeter, there could be electrical and mechanical tools. Make sure your pet does not roam freely in those areas during the process. On the other hand, pets can disturb the workers, mess up the whole place, or scratch the wall.
Maintain the walls
This is very important, mainly if you paint a surface that already has other paint or details, such as holes or irregularities. Help yourself with a rubber band, sand plaster, and fill imperfections, so once the paint is applied, it will look perfect.
Protect the floors and furniture
To prevent the paint from falling where it should not, it is highly recommended that you move the furniture that you can out of the room to be painted and, those that are not possible, cover them with plastic. It would help if you also took care of the floors. Stick newspaper or plastic on them so that, even if paint falls, it does not stain them.
Better painting and sun and rain protection
When choosing the exterior paint, think about the colors and the issue of local weather conditions. This is because a paint of questionable quality will inevitably deteriorate quickly when exposed to the sun and rain. In this sense, adopt the best adaptable color to these conditions. Use a great quality product, such as those available for this purpose, on our website.
Final step: Painting
After following these tips to prepare the walls, they will be ready to receive the painting. It is essential to follow the instructions of the chosen paint manufacturer, such as information on paint dilution and waiting time between one coat and another, so that the result is successful.