With the holiday season fast approaching, you will find that your attention will soon turn to what gifts you must buy (and for who). Purchasing gifts for loved ones can be stressful, especially if you have lots of people to buy for. To ease the stress and pressure a little bit, you need to plan out your purchases. Purchasing fantastic gifts will not happen by coincidence or by luck – they take time and research. So, start factoring in the following areas to make gift purchasing as successful as possible.
Who Are You Purchasing For?
Start by making a list of those loved ones you are buying for. When you make a list, you can start seeing where your attention and energy should be focused. For example, you may find that your list consists of younger relatives and loved ones who may appreciate toys and games. Or, it may consist of those older loved ones and relatives who appreciate finer, more considered purchases. Once you have a list of who you are purchasing for, you can then think about the occasion.
What Is the Occasion
Now that you have your list of names, it is time to consider the occasion you are buying for. Are you going to be shopping for holiday gifts, or are you looking for those special anniversary gifts or birthday gifts? When you are aware of the occasion, you can then start thinking more about the size of the gift or the total spend. The occasion may even affect the stores and shops you look at. You may find that the occasion can help you on shopping trips, as some stores may be more focused on Christmas gifts, and others may be more targeted toward everyday items that could be better suited for birthdays and anniversaries.
What Are Their Likes and Dislikes
You have the occasion together with your list of names. Now, you must think about likes and dislikes. Do you know what they enjoy doing in their free time, and is there a gift you can get that will link in perfectly with their likes? Taking time to establish what dislikes and likes someone has will save you from wasting money on unwanted gifts. It will also help you purchase those gifts that are memorable for all the right reasons.
How Much Do You Want to Spend?
If you are buying more than a couple of gifts, you will want to think about the cost and spending you wish to make. Having a budget for gifts may not be something you want to do. However, it can help you from spending more than you can afford. The amount you want to spend may vary, depending on the recipient and/or the occasion. For example, a ruby wedding anniversary gift may require a budget of up to $500, whereas a first wedding anniversary gift may be more suited to a budget of up to $100.
It can be easy to get carried away when you are purchasing gifts for loved ones (and shopping online or offline). To keep track of what you want, try to make short shopping bursts that will be more productive rather than those longer all-day shopping trips.