Medio Tiempo is a particular type of cigar made from a specific pair of tobacco plants. These plants grow on the top of Ligero and are much smaller and thicker than the other plants. They provide enhanced flavor and are much more concentrated. Some people regard it as the highest quality tobacco plant, and there are many reasons behind it.
Due to their highest position on the plants, these leaves have the highest concentration of aroma, flavor, and oil. They have a high organic fraction and have reinforced strength.
In the Classification Table
There are various classifications of tobacco leaves based on their thickness, texture, and color. These different kinds of leaves have other industrial names and are used in different types of cigars. Medio Tiempo is not directly found on the plants. There are two different classifications of tobacco leaves, the first is agricultural, and the second is industrial. The plant’s upper leaves that are regarded as Coronas or Centro Gordos in the agricultural classification must fulfill a specific set of classification that includes thick, oil, and full of Fortaleza leaves to be called Medio Tiempo.
The Cultivation
It is not a game of luck to obtain a Medio Tiempo. Experienced tobacco producers know the environmental aspects and can play around with the agricultural rules to produce the maximum number of Medio Tiempo. With the right amount of water and the right soil properties, there are high chances of plants that can yield Medio Tiempo. It is also possible to maximize their quality or the quantity in each plant based on the requirements.
It can be said that no two Medio Tiempo are the same, especially if they are obtained from different plants. There are three basic characteristics of tobacco leaves: texture, thickness, and color. Corona from different plants may reach the level of Medio Tiempo but can be very different in their properties that can change their chemical and physical appearance and nature.
Relative Concepts
There is no definite scale of tobacco leaves’ texture, color, and quality. Instead, they are categorized relatively. This categorization of tobacco leaves may vary in different regions and countries, and there should be maximum caution taken to categorize the Medio Tiempo.
The Challenges In Processing Medio Tiempo
The production of Medio Tiempo is difficult, but their processing and production of the cigar are difficult. The leaves of MedioTiempo are thick, which is the major obstacle in their drying process, and they take more time and attention. There is also a need to preserve the flavor in the drying process to maintain integrity and quality. Without the best techniques in the drying process, the leaves would become inconsistent, which would result in imperfect blending. Producing the best Medio Tiempo is not the insurance of good quality cigars, but high skills and experience are required in their processing.
Cigar Shack
Medio Tiempo has a definitive darker and thicker appearance in the filler than other leaves. An experienced person can easily identify the Medio Tiempo cigar by just looking and holding it. They are the absolute classic for quality smokers.